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About Us

ROAM is a Full Gospel multicultural ministerial organization for independent ministers,

churches and outreach ministries. Our membership is both national and international.

We were established in April 1983.

Being full gospel (meaning we believe the Church today should be as the first Church

in the Book of Acts) it is our belief that the Gifts of the Spirit are just as active today as

with the first church.

There are many reasons for affiliating with an organization such as ROAM but for the

sake of space we will only mention a few here. We stand ready to assist both the

seasoned minister as well as that individual that is just beginning to answer the call of

God on their life.

Sometimes one can feel like a "displaced" person because they came up in a

denominational structure that they no longer feel comfortable in and yet "alone" without.

Still others that do not belong to any denomination nor have a desire to belong want

spiritual authority over them. This is Scriptural and imperative for today.

ROAM offers a reputable organization that is free of ecclesiastical and hierarchy

control. It helps to offer the Christian Minister a sense of CREDIBILITY and

ACCOUNTABILITY that lends itself to INTEGRITY.

Each member of ROAM is free to follow their own calling in God without interference

from some corporate body. This does not take away from being accountable to the

spiritual leadership they voluntarily submit to.

ROAM is multicultural and believes that each individual or people group has the right to

their own expression of worship as long as it is not contrary to the written Word of God.

You will find members from almost every tribe and tongue associated with ROAM.

There is but ONE BODY with many members.

Our motto is, Perfecting saints for the work of the ministry, building up the Church, the

body of Christ, to be strong and wise Without Compromise.

There are many people groups but only one race. the human race.

ROAM host annual meetings, regional gatherings and provides fellowship, seminars

and periodic printed material to better equip the Minister and to stay in touch. We hope

you will consider applying for your ministerial credentials with our growing family.


Thank you for visiting our web site. We hope you find it informative. If you are

searching for a genuine full gospel interdenominational ministerial organization, then

you really should consider Rehoboth Outreach Apostolic Ministries, Inc.

We are a "Christ-centered" group of men and women organized for independent

Ministers, Churches and Evangelistic Ministries. We were organized in April of 1983

and since that time have expanded to many parts of the world.

In addition to providing an apostolic spiritual covering to those desiring such, we also

provide ministerial credentials that document the ministers vocation. This lends itself to

accountability, credibility and integrity. The types of credentials offered are:



resource service for those churches and evangelistic ministries that qualify. We are

here to help not only those well seasoned in ministry but those that are just beginning

their calling. We invite you to prayerfully consider ROAM for your ministerial

association and home.

Please visit other pages on this site to get a better understanding of what ROAM is all


There are no financial obligations except a relativity small annual membership due. We

do not exercise hierarchy control over our members. We are here to serve as a

medium where we may all work harmoniously together and fulfill our destiny in God.

We welcome the opportunity to extend our hand to you in fellowship.

Code of Ethics

It is a requirement that every member of ROAM

accept and adhere to the following ministerial ethics:

Each member has a right to their own style and personality as they follow Christ.

To conduct ones affairs in morals, finances, and business relations with a high degree

of Christian integrity.

To maintain a teachable spirit towards the other leaders of the Fellowship.

To speak in a respectful and edifying manner where other members of the Fellowship

are concerned.

To abstain, directly or indirectly, in any issue that would cause a church split.

To not sow seeds of discord among the body by gossip, rumors and opinionated


To abstain from the consumption or use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs.

To pursue a Christian relationship with other members of the Fellowship.

To respect the rights of others and allow them to be different, as long as their actions

comply with the written Word of God.

To support and give your loyalty to any pastor under which you may serve.

To deal justly as the Scriptures command concerning all areas of fellowship,

relationships, unity and brotherly love.

To follow the procedure as commanded in the Scriptures when faced with a brother or

sister who is in violation of these ethics or any other Biblical moral standard.

To agree to adhere to our Statement of Faith, Ministerial Ethics and By-Laws.

ROAM believes that the homosexual life style

is contrary to scripture and is not acceptable to God.

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